I am always looking for a way to bring Disney home, and I wanted to add some Disney flair to my front porch. There was no better way to do that than with this Bubblegum Wall Doormat. It was easy to make, and didn’t take long to put together.
- Plain Coir Doormat
- Apple Barrel – Bright Magenta
- Apple Barrel – Pink Polish
- Apple Barrel – Pool Blue
- Foam Stippling Brushes
- Sharpie
I started by freehanding where I wanted my blue stripe to go, and using a reference photo I drew it on with a Sharpie. I chose to have the darker pink be a little bit bigger, and I like how it looked a little off-center.

Also, I noticed that depending on what side of Spaceship Earth you come out of depends on what way the diagonal in the wall is facing, so it is up to you on picking which way to make it go.
Once I got my stripe sketched out, I began painting with the darkest pink color first. I found that I used about an entire 2 oz bottle of paint for each of the color in each coat, so make sure you get at least 4 oz of each color of paint.

I didn’t use painters tape to keep my lines crisp, because I didn’t feel like I really needed it. However, if you are worried about painting outside the lines that might be a nice option.
I saved the blue color for last, just so I could easily go over any pink edges and touch them up as need.
Then, let your basecoat dry. Once that is dry I added a second layer and left the doormat overnight to finish drying.
Overall, this was a fun afternoon project and I just love the way it turned out!

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